Did you know that young people also have their own European Youth Week? It is organized by the National Agencies for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps and the Eurodesk network. It will take place this year from 24th to 30th of May and the motto is “Our future in our hands”.
The Trenčín 2026 team is also participating in the European Youth Week. And you can also get involved!
Share your video on social media about what Europe means to you this week ( use hashtags #euyouth #trencin2026) or write to us on social networks or by e-mail marketing2026@trencin.sk.
We will send your videos to the other European Capitals of Culture and our partners to share the common and differing views of young people on the European Union.
If you would like to compare how young people live across the countries of the European Union, you can use this page: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/infographs/youth/index_en.html
Photograph by: Stanči photo