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Once again there is an opportunity to take culture to the next level

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Are you involved in culture and want to take your project to an international level? The Runway | Culture Professionals course is perfect for you. You will learn how to set a strategy, build your audience, and sell yourself better. The course has already run twice, and registration for the third, which will run in the autumn and winter, runs from 18 August to 11 September 2023. 

And what do the participants have to say about the training so far? “I highly recommend this programme, because in addition to experienced lecturers, you can meet people from culture, connect and create collaborations,” says Zuzana Medzihorská from the Central Slovak Gallery, describing the benefits of the course.

In the spring, Trenčín also provided training for people from Trenčín, Dubnica nad Váhom, Moravské Lieskové, Púchov, Bratislava and Svidník. Get on the Runway and join the Culture Professionals!

Take the opportunity to find out more about the course and sign up today at: