1. mája Street: Via Libertas

Vizualizácia rekonštrukcie Ulice 1. Mája.

The redevelopment will introduce an attractive public space offering a safe place for students to spend their leisure time, encourage friendly social gatherings and offer a space for town events.

Revitalisation of 1. mája Street: Via Libertas

This part of the city used to consist mainly of gardens, first belonging to the Jesuits and later to the Piarists. The original name of the street was ‘Piarista utca’, after the First World War it was renamed ‘Ulica slobody’ (Liberty Street) and after the Second World War it was given its present name. The building of the Grammar School of Ľudovít Štúr was designed in the Art Nouveau style by the Budapest architects Ambrus Orth and Emil Somló, and built in 1907 as the Hungarian Royal State Civil Girls’ School. Another national cultural monument on this street remains the Notre Dame Monastery Church, built in 1909 in the historicizing Neo-Romanesque style.

The main purpose of revitalizing the street is to bring freedom of movement and opportunities for use to those who spend the most time here—pupils, students, teachers, school staff, pedestrians, and other people. By removing barriers, landscaping, new urban furniture and the creation of micro-spaces with different uses, the road will be transformed into a space of socialisation.


The project has been realised thanks to the title of European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026.






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