Perform in the Garage!

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Trenčín 2026 announces an open call thanks to which you can present your musical work during a series of showcase music events in August and September 2023 within the Garage 2023 project. The prize is also participation in an educational session on the functioning of the music industry with selected Slovak and foreign professionals.

Who can apply? 

Slovak music groups can apply without age and genre restrictions. The basic condition is having your own musical creation. The competition will be held in three categories:

  1. emerging music groups without a released album or single
  2. bands with one single, EP or album released on their own, without the help of a music label
  3. music groups with one single, EP or album released in collaboration with a music label

What do the winners get?

  • own honoured concert in the Garage as part of the showcase dramaturgy
  • production support related to the concert
  • promotion of the concert and presentation of their own work through the Trenčín 2026 project
  • participation in an educational block with selected Slovak and foreign professionals, which will provide orientation in the functioning of the music industry and basic know-how how to make it in it. For example, we will discuss what it takes to record an album, how to book bands for clubs and music festivals, or how to get your music on the radio.

Who is launching this call?

This open call is announced by Trenčín 2026 and the Pohoda festival.

The call is part of the Garage project, which is jointly implemented by the Pohoda festival and Trenčín 2026 as part of the implementation of the European Capital of Culture title.

Garage is the smallest stage of the Pohoda festival. Every year after the festival, it moves to the city of Trenčín and for a few weeks turns into an alternative cultural space with its own dramaturgy.

The ambition of the project is to create opportunities for presentation, education and networking for the emerging generation of Slovak musicians, multidisciplinary artists and professionals in the cultural and creative industries.


How to apply?

You can subscribe via this online form. The application must include at least two samples of your own work in any audio format or as a link to online content on streaming platforms (each sample must be at least 2 minutes long).

As an optional attachment, a short video recording of the concert or music rehearsal can also be attached, up to a maximum of 15 min.

A prerequisite for inclusion in the Garage program is the ability to perform a concert of a minimum of 5 pieces and participation in a two-day educational block.

Who will evaluate and how?

The applications will be evaluated by a jury composed of professionals who have been working in the music industry in Slovakia and abroad for a long time. In particular, the artistic quality of the recordings and the potential for realising a coherent concert performance will be evaluated. Trenčín 2026 reserves the right not to announce the winners if the jury evaluates the submitted entries as not meeting the criteria.

The composition of the evaluation committee will be announced soon.


The closing date for entries is 15 May 2023 at 23:59.

Results will be announced on 10 June 2023.