OPEN CALL: Last call for proposals Prisma / Art Light Tech, Aveiro

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Our friends from Aveiro have an interesting open call open right now.

PRISMA / ART LIGHT TECH festival in Aveiro [Portugal] invitesartists, designers, light artists and lightening professionals as well as students and institutions to submit their proposals for the 2021 edition which will take place on 15th to16th October 2021. The main theme ofPRISMA 2021 is “BALANCE“.

PRISMA festival was established in 2019 and is organized byTeatro Aveirense and the Aveiro City Council. It takes light as its raw material, creating a script of artistic works in the public space. The festival combines several works of contemporary art, including projections, installations and shows of sound and light, presented in various spaces in the city, inviting everyone to the exploration and (re) discovery of the city through a new light. The festival also makes an important contribution to the growth of the creative industries in Aveiro, with actions that promote cooperation between creatives, students, artists and companies.

More information can be found at this link (for English version shall scroll down).