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Europe in 5 years will be… more punk

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Thanks for stopping by at our tent during the festival Pankáči deťom (Punk rockers for kids) and sharing a thought on Europe’s future.

What are your messages? According to you Europe will be:

  • Without covid, so people will travel and discover more
  • Older
  • The same as it is
  • Greener
  • Less racist
  • There where we shift it. Together!

You can find more messages and pictures from the event down below:


We are also wondering what will be Trenčín in 5 years like. We hope in 2026 Trenčín will be the European Capital of Culture. Now we are in finals with Nitra and Žilina. We are preparing for the second round. The thirteen-member international jury will select the winner in December 2021.