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What did the media write about us earlier this year?

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

We bring you tips for interesting texts and reports published about the Trenčín 2026 project in January and February. We will bring you an overview of media outputs every two to three months.

Sound atlas of the bridge

At the beginning of the year we promoted the sound intervention Sound Atlas of the Bridge – an urban guide to dreaming of spring, which runs from December to the end of March on the old railway bridge.

The Sound Atlas of the bridge attracted media attention back in December 2022 after its opening. Articles and reports about it can be found by clicking on the following links:, Terajšok, and one more article in,,, . It was also reported on the radio – Rádio Regina Západ and Rádio FM.

In January, the topic was covered by three TV stations in their newscasts – Jednotka RTVS, Markíza, TA3. We recommend these short reports:

Jednotka RTVS (time stamp 42:20):

Markíza (time stamp 20:35) :


Opening of the European Capitals of Culture 2023

Many people cannot imagine what the European Capital of Culture project means. We see an opportunity in presenting other European Capitals of Culture (ECoC).

Especially this year we have a special opportunity to present Veszprém Balaton 2023, a city and region that is only 3 hours away from Trenčín. The ECoC will be no closer to us by the year of our title. Veszprém is close to us not only by location. It is a similarly large city, with a castle on a hill and a university. So we concentrated on promoting it in the media and issued a press release to that effect. You can read it on our website in English. (Responses to press release:,,, We recommended a Slovak journalist from and (a daily newspaper in Hungarian for people of Hungarian nationality in Slovakia) to the Veszprém Balaton 2023 team to be invited to the opening ceremony).

We recommend in particular two articles that discuss the topic of the ECoC more comprehensively.

The article in was devoted to all this year’s ECoC:

The report from the opening of the ECoC in Veszprém deals with the ECoC in our geographical area, it also talks about Košice 2013 and mentions Trenčín 2026 (the same report was originally published in Hungarian on


This year we started cooperation with Rádio Devín, whose audience is interested in cultural topics. Rádio Devín naturally perceives the need to already now bring news from the events in Trenčín and around the current European Capitals of Culture. In our live inputs in January and February, we talked about our experience of the opening of the ECoC in Veszprém and in Elefsina, Greece.

The article about opening in Elefsina was also publish in Trenčín city newspaper INFO and can be read in English on our website.



Infrastructure projects

Since the beginning of the year, several local media have covered the topic of Trenčín’s infrastructure projects. In an article by Terajšok (now Trenčiansky Štandard), we brought examples of construction projects in the city that fall under the European Capital of Culture title. Read more here: Zmeny zasiahnu infraštruktúru (

Following the City Council’s approval of the intent to put the Fiesta Bridge project out to bid, we issued a release on our website that received significant attention on our social media: